5 Step Framework to Make $1M+ Per Year as a Real Estate Agent

The 5 Step Framework to Make $1M+ Per Year as a Real Estate Agent

  1. Identify Bottleneck
  2. Structure to Scale
  3. Hire A Players 
  4. Implement the “Ford Assembly Line” Model
  5. Speed up Time

1. Identify Bottleneck: 

Hire people  to solve the current bottleneck in your business that’s preventing you from doubling your business.

  • Not enough leads?
    • Hire a Remote Assistant to Cold Call and generate leads for you
  • Not converting leads?
    • Hire a Remote Assistant that can specialize in following up and converting leads 
  • Busy doing paperwork and emails all day?
    • Hire an administrative Remote Assistant
  • Other tasks or Social Media not done right?
    • Hire an Executive Remote Assistant 

No great business has ever been run with just the founder. If you want to scale, you have to identify the weak spots in your business and hire others to strengthen your business and make more money.

2. Structure to Scale

Structure your business to be able to leverage & scale. We all have limiting beliefs. When I started, I used to think:

“Nobody is as good as I am at what I do”

“My work is different, I can’t delegate”

If you have these same thoughts, you’re not alone. We all do. There is a solution to solve that problem.

What’s the solution? 

Create a step-by-step plan of any task you want to delegate. Those can be in the following formats:

  • Written
  • Video
  • Screen Recording
  • Other peoples’ videos & training online

We can guide you on how to build your training. 

3. Hire A Players

Bad employees cost you money. 

Great employees print you money and help you grow your business beyond what you’re currently doing.

After having hired hundreds of people, these are the 3 traits I found in the employees that have helped me grow my business the most:

  • Smart – Easy to train and give tasks to
  • Motivated – They come in to work hungry to get work done 
  • Humble – Listen to feedback and improve as needed

It’s not easy to find great employees. It takes us on average 164 applicants for every 1 hire. 

4. Implement the “Ford Assembly Line” Model:

When I first started hiring people in my business, I thought that I wanted my Remote Assistant to prospect, set appointments, do my social media, be my TC, edit videos, and anything else I needed.

I quickly realized that’s a recipe for disaster. Having someone do so many tasks at a time gets me what I call “Generalists” which are employees that are mediocre at a bunch of different things.

Generalists produce mediocre results.

Specialists, on the other hand, are employees that get trained to do 1 task really, really well. Specialists will keep your business growing like a well oiled machine. You want to hire specialists that can focus on 1, maybe 2 tasks at most and let them get amazing at what they do for you.

5. Speed up Time

Results take time, there is no overnight success. Having said that, it’s important to compress time and get results faster with leverage. The way you speed up time is by putting more hours at the bottleneck. 

For example, if you need more leads, instead of you cold calling for 2 hours a day and taking months to get results, hire a Remote Assistant for $5/hr to call for 8 hours a day for you.

Lead generation is the secret to success in Real Estate.

We help Real Estate agents get more listings by setting up a cold calling system & training a Virtual Assistant to cold call on your behalf, so you don’t have to do the lead generation yourself.

If you want more seller leads and listings, click the link below to book a live demo.
