How Abbas Mohammed Used Remote Assistants to Generate $1.7M in Profits in 1 Year as a Real Estate Agent

I was able to scale my Real Estate agent business & become top 50 in the country with RE/MAX in 2021 by leveraging Remote Assistants. How did I do that? 

I built the equivalent of the Ford assembly line in Real Estate and completely automated cold call lead generation & appointment setting. I had multiple Remote Assistants, and each one was in charge of one task at a time. This produced the best results out of all the testing I’ve done with hundreds of Remote Assistants.

Here is how I divided up the roles:

1. Lead Generation: 

Hire as many here as possible to generate leads. If you have a working lead generation set up, and the only bottleneck is more prospecting time, hire more people.

We started with 1 Remote Assistant, saw lots of success in lead generation, and scaled to 20 over 2 years. We had our Remote Assistants cold call home owners asking if they have plans of moving, and the ones that discussed their moving plans were marked off as leads. 

You can use a Remote Assistant to ramp up any lead generation you’re doing now, or implement one of the many lead generation methods already working for other Real Estate agents.

2. Lead Audit: 

Once a lead is generated, one Remote Assistant went through the leads to verify that they’re qualified leads. They had to meet our criteria of a seller who’s moving in less than 2 years, had a solid reason to move (not just to get the right price for their home), and didn’t have an agent to work with.

We averaged about 10-15 qualified seller leads a day, which is around 50 to 70 leads a week. This resulted in around 5 listing appointments a week.

3. Lead Follow up: 

These Remote Assistants are in charge of following up on our leads. 

Once a lead is produced, it moves to the Remote Assistants that specialize in following up on leads in order to maximize how many leads we convert to appointments. Only the most skilled Remote Assistants were put in this role. 

Up until this point, no Real Estate agent are involved in the process. Meaning, you can set up the same system, and all this work would be done in the background while you focus on showings, listing appointments, and working with clients. Eventually, that can be delegated to an agent as well.

4. Appointment (this is where a licensed agent takes over): 

After leads turn to appointments, a licensed agent’s job is to attend the appointments, consults, and showings to convert appointments to listings. 

5. Transaction Coordination:

Once an appointment turns into a listing or an offer, our Remote Assistant TC is in charge of handling the clients from contract to closing.

The agent’s only job is to focus on appointments all day long.

This system started with just one Remote Assistant, and eventually grew to 20-25 full time assistants. It’s like a money printing machine. The fuel of it all is the Remote Assistants. 

Without cheaper labor ($5/hour), the cost per lead would’ve been too high to scale.

Lead generation is the secret to success in Real Estate. We help Real Estate agents get more listings by setting up a cold calling system & training a Virtual Assistant to cold call on your behalf, so you don’t have to do the lead generation yourself.

If you’re interested in seeing a demo of how we can help you replicate a similar system in your business and help you get more listings, book a demo by clicking the link below.