How to Convert More Leads to Listings with Mailers

Mailers are one of the most effective ways to convert more seller leads to listings. How?

There are two parts to it.

The first is to only send mailers to leads that indicate their interest in selling. 

How do you find those leads?

Cold calling. We can help you automate that process, more on that later. 

The second part is to send the correct mailers.

Too many agents waste money sending out recipes and mailers that provide no real value to their potential sellers.

We break mailers down into two types:

1. Letters + Postcard: 

Those are introduction letters written in a way to highlight why the lead should work with you over any other agent, called a Unique Value Proposition.

Those letters get sent out in a yellow envelope, with a business card, and a 5×7 postcard that highlights why a homeowner should work with you to list their house. We can help you craft that message.

Putting the postcard in with the letter helps your lead make the connection back to you when they see the postcard in their mailbox in the future.

2. Postcards:

These 5×7 postcards are the same ones that initially got included in the letter.

They get sent every week for 8 weeks in a row to imprint your name and what you do in the seller’s head.

They get the exact same postcard every week for 8 weeks and then they get it biweekly until they sell.

Sending mailers biweekly helps keep you stay top of mind, and when they’re ready to sell, even if they lose the card, they’ll get another one often enough to always have your information handy.

Combining letters & postcards to only be sent to seller leads generated through cold calling is a killer combination. This will be the best money you’ll ever spend on mailers.

One of the things we will do for you as part of the Cold Calling System is we will set up your entire mailer system for you, both letters & postcards, and customize it to fit your branding.

We started Remote Leverage to help automate cold calling for you.

You tell us which market you want to Cold Call, and we set up the entire Cold Calling system & train a Virtual Assistant to call on your behalf to generate you seller leads. 

To make sure you have all the tools you need, we also provide you with:

  • Follow up scripts to call and set appointments with the seller leads you get.
  • Automated mailer system to build authority with your leads
  • Listing presentation to convert appointments to listings 
  • Video training to teach you how to follow up, send mailers, & perform a highly converting listing presentation.

You’ll have everything you need to generate appointments & get more listings through cold calling without having to cold call yourself.

Interested in getting more listings?

Click the link below to book a demo to see how we can help you generate more seller leads by automating cold calling for you.