How to Delegate ANY Task to a Virtual Assistant (Virtual Assistant)

This is a complete guide to help you learn how to delegate any task to a Virtual Assistant successfully. 

We’ve hired hundreds of Virtual Assistants over the past 4 years. During that process we tested a lot of different systems to come up with this setup which has consistently produced the best results.

Now before we start, you need to understand that for you to grow a business that can be profitable without you having to constantly be there, you have to rely on others to help you get your time back. This will let you unchain yourself from the day to day of the business, and let you buy your time back and work only on things that produce the most results for you.

Most people, myself included when I started delegating years ago, have the idea that “only I can do what I’m doing, my business is different than others”. 

The reality is that it’s the complete opposite. 

Just about any task you do right now can be delegated, and once you do it properly (which we will help you with), you won’t have to ever worry about doing these tasks again. The problem isn’t that your work can’t be delegated, it’s just that your business lacks the system that’s needed to let anyone else perform as good as you in your business, and that is a fixable problem.

If you follow the set up we will outline below, the Virtual Assistants you hire will do those tasks much better than you ever will, and they’ll do it at a large volume and get you much better results than what you can produce on your own.

How do we know that’s possible? 

Because we see it happen every single day. 

Having said that, let’s get into the step by step guide down below:

Choose the task you want to delegate in your business

The best way to do this is to look at your calendar. Think of what task is occupying the most amount of time from your work schedule. That is usually the bottleneck that needs to be delegated right away.

Another way to think of it is by asking yourself, what is the reason your business can’t do 5x more production? 

  • Because you need more leads? Hire a lead generating Virtual Assistant
  • Because Lead follow up is not getting done? Hire a sales specialist Virtual Assistant that can focus on converting your leads
  • Admin work taking up all your time? Hire a Virtual Assistant that specializes in Admin work 

Once you figure out what the bottleneck is in your business, and what task you’d like to start hiring and getting off your plate, the next step is to set up systems for those tasks. Our goal is to have those tasks get done by Virtual Assistants in the future the same way you’d do those tasks yourself or even better.

Systemizing the task

You have to set up a system that everyone can follow without you having to be there. The way to do that is simple. 

  • Start a written document, and write down the title of the task you want your Virtual Assistant to do.
    • EX: Cold Calling Homeowners
  • Break it down into written steps on a document. Pretend you’re teaching a 5th grader to keep it simple and easy to understand.
  • As you write things down on how to do that task, you’ll often run into situations where you realize that the next step in the task is decision based. In those cases, you want to outline which step is the right next step based on the different situations the Virtual Assistant is dealing with.
    • EX: If someone says they’re looking to sell their house in the next 2 years, add them as a lead. 
    • EX : If the person says they’re looking to sell their house in 3 months or less, set an appointment.  

Once you break down the task into easy steps, read it over to make sure it’s how you want things done. If it looks all good to you, the next step is to film you doing it. Why is this important? Most people are visual & auditory learners, and video recording will provide them the best training.

Video Recording

Filming yourself doing the task you want to assign to a Virtual Assistant will act as permanent training for any future Virtual Assistant you hire. Once you do this step, you’ll never have to train someone on the same task again. This step will save you many hours in the future.

Here is how we do it to keep it simple:

  • Print out the written manual you wrote earlier for the task you want to delegate.
  • Use a free Zoom account (Google this step if you don’t know how to do this).
  • Start a meeting by yourself.
  • Click on “Share Screen”, and click on “Share Audio” as well as screen recording of your main screen.
  • Now, simply follow the steps that you outlined in your manual to record you doing the task, and give any added instructions you’d like to clarify and explain further as you record the video.
  • After the video is filmed, you can upload it to a Google Drive account into a folder. 
  • Anytime you hire a Virtual Assistant, instead of having to train them from scratch, you can simply send them a link to the folder where you store your videos. They’ll watch, learn what to do, and get started flawlessly.

Lead generation is the secret to success in Real Estate. We help Real Estate agents get more listings by setting up a cold calling system & training a Virtual Assistant to cold call on your behalf, so you don’t have to do the lead generation yourself.