How to Get More Listings in Today’s Market

It’s always been said that to last in the Real Estate business, you have to generate listings.

Listing agents that price homes well aren’t as affected by interest rates as those working with buyers. When you price a listing well in this market, it will sell, and you’ll get paid and have a happy client.

You can have a lot more control of your income by getting more listings, the hard part is figuring out how do you get seller leads? 

We’ve tried every method out there to generate seller leads. The most effective way to get seller leads at an affordable price is by Cold Calling homeowners. It’s simply a contact sport. Having said that, there are better uses of your time than cold calling homeowners all day long.

You need to have the right system in place, and have someone else do the cold calling at an affordable price on your behalf, so you can focus on working with clients, and not prospecting every hour of the day.

I became a top producing agent and became a top 50 agents with RE/MAX nationwide by building the right cold calling system and leveraging Virtual Assistants to generate leads, while I focused on going on listing appointments and getting listings. 

After 6+ years of Cold Calling, I started Remote Leverage to help automate cold calling for you, so you can get out of the lead generation hamster wheel, and instead focus on actually serving clients. 

You tell us which market you want to Cold Call, and we set up the entire Cold Calling system & train a Virtual Assistant to call on your behalf to generate you seller leads.

To make sure you have all the tools you need, we also provide you with:

  • Follow up scripts to call and set appointments with the seller leads you get.
  • Automated mailer system to build authority with your leads
  • Listing presentation to convert appointments to listings
  • Video training to teach you how to follow up, send mailers, & perform a highly converting listing presentation.

You’ll have everything you need to generate appointments & get more listings through cold calling without having to cold call yourself.

Interested in seeing a demo of how this works?

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