Real Estate Virtual Assistants – Everything You Need to Know

virtual assistant for real estate

Real Estate Virtual Assistants

Real estate folks often juggle a zillion things at once. Enter the virtual assistant, their secret weapon. A real estate virtual assistant tackles a ton of tasks that help keep everything running smoother than a new paint job.

Roles and Responsibilities

Real estate virtual assistants dive into tasks that don’t need a real estate license. Here’s the lowdown on what they usually handle:

Calendar ManagementJuggles schedules and lines up appointments for clients and showings.
Email CorrespondenceHandles emails with flair, keeping lines of communication open and breezy.
Website UpdatesWaves their magic wand to keep the website packed with the latest property listings and news.
BookkeepingKeeps financial records neat, sends invoices, and tackles accounting stuff.
Social Media ManagementPosts eye-catching stuff and chats with followers to boost your online vibes.
Lead GenerationCold calling, emailing, texting, etc.

Being organized is the name of the game for a real estate virtual assistant. They keep track of paperwork, set up appointments, and make sense of complex databases without breaking a sweat. Ace communication skills? Check. They keep everyone sweet and in the loop, building trust like a neighborhood legend.

Importance of Experience

Having some miles on the road in real estate is like pure gold for virtual assistants in this gig. An experienced assistant gets the twists, turns, and quirks of the market, dropping some wisdom on trends and property values. Here’s why experience ain’t something to scoff at:

Experience AspectImportance
Basic Real Estate KnowledgeCracks the code on industry jargon and processes, helping agents like a good GPS.
Market InsightsGives the virtual assistant the edge to share juicy tidbits about property trends.
Networking SkillsKnowing the lay of the land means making better connections with clients and industry pals.
Proficiency in Lead GenerationVeterans know all the slick moves to grow client networks and rake in the dough.

When on the hunt for a real estate virtual assistant, don’t leave that experience and admin savvy at the door. Choosing someone who’s got both will make sure they handle the real estate hustle with style and confidence.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Finding the right virtual assistant can make a world of difference for folks in real estate. Below, we’ll chat about what really counts when you’re on the lookout for a virtual sidekick and the bucks involved in hiring one.

Criteria for Selection

Here’s what you should jot down when eyeballing candidates for a real estate virtual assistant:

  1. Reliability: They’ve gotta be rock-solid. You need someone who gets the job done on time, no excuses.
  2. Experience in Real Estate: They should know the ropes in real estate. If they’ve been around the block with realtor duties, everything just clicks better.
  3. Tech Savvy: You want someone who can zip around software like Trello or Asana without breaking a sweat.
  4. Reachable: Their lines should be open, and they should match up with your working hours well.
CriteriaImportance Level (1-5)
Experience in Real Estate5
Positive Reviews4
Tech Savvy4

Pricing Models and Considerations

Let’s talk dollars. The cost of having a virtual assistant’s help can swing based on what they bring to the table—a mix of skill level and job scope. Generally, you’re looking at shelling out $5 to $7 per hour. 

Pricing ModelEstimated Cost
Virtual Assistant Hourly Rate$5-$7 per hour
Traditional Full-Time AssistantOver $39,000 annually

By checking out what matters in a virtual assistant and crunching the numbers, you’re set to find just the right fit for your real estate gig.

Thinking about hiring? Book a consultation with our team to talk about the role you’re trying to fill and we will go over the role you’re planning to hire for, what the process looks like, answer any questions you have, and proceed to next steps.

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